Our Center Specializes on Diagnosis of a Real Cause Which Led to Inflammation, Inability to Regenerate, Reproduce or Premature Aging
Symptoms you might have when you need to come and see Dr Kushnir:
Skin rashes, hair falling out, fragile nails with unknown diagnosis or not responding to treatment
Inflammation which does not stop, allergy to everything
New allergy or sudden increase in allergic condition
Muscle pains and weakness
Chronic cough
Cognitive: "brain cloud", peripheral neuropathy, dementia, ADHD, headache and migraine
Acute or chronic inflammatory conditions of the ears, nose and mouth
Digestive problems and nutrition issues (inability to gain or lose weight, vitamin deficiency, food allergy or sensitivity, food-related inflammation)
Chronic fatigue without relief from conventional treatments
Vertigo and dizziness without cause
Slow regeneration (wounds slow to heal, chemotherapy, toxic exposure)
Undiagnosed chronic conditions
Every symptom listed above can affect ability to get pregnant and Pregnancy Miscarriage problems:​
Inability to get pregnant
Unsuccessful IVF cycles
Inability to carry a healthy pregnancy (early miscarriage)
Previous miscarriage or abortion - related complications
Gum and teeth problems are a part of the whole body, and most problems are interconnected:
Recessed and inflamed gums
Allergic reactions to dental materials
Dry mouth
Tongue problems (sensitivity, creases, coat)
Bad breath
Caries and spots on the teeth - remineralization problems
Smell problems
Loose teeth
Common Chronic Inflammatory Conditions We Treat
Chronic inflammatory conditions are long-term diseases characterized by persistent inflammation in the body, which can lead to tissue damage and various health complications. Unlike acute inflammation, which is a short-term immune response to injury or infection, chronic inflammation persists for months or even years, contributing to the progression of various diseases.
Chronic inflammation can be influenced by poor diet, stress, infections, toxins, and lifestyle factors. Which means it can be cured!
Here are major conditions Dr Kushnir has expertise in:
Autoimmune Diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – Inflammation of the joints
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE) – Affects multiple organs
Psoriasis – Affects the skin and joints (psoriatic arthritis)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Affects the nervous system
Thyroiditis - affects thyroid gland and causes high or low thyroid hormone production
(Ehlers-Danlos)EDS related inflammation - due to genetically abnormal collagen immune system is hyperactive as it constantly needs to deal with break-down products in the joints. Also most patient are gluten and milk intolerant
Digestive Disorders
Leaky Gut syndrome - due to digested harsh chemicals or intestinal infections the gut becomes chronically infected and multiple food sensitivities develop
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – Includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis which can be cured in most by correction of the diet and "reboot" anti-inflammatory protocol
Celiac Disease – Gluten-induced inflammation in the intestines and the whole body
Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
Type 2 Diabetes – Chronic inflammation contributes to insulin resistance
Genetic errors in metabolism (intolerance of fructose etc.)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) – Chronic inflammation, incorrect diet, sedentary lifestyle and stress damages blood vessels
Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Asthma – Inflammatory response in the airways due to allergens
COVID related cough and shortness of breath
Neurological Disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease – Brain inflammation is linked to neurodegeneration
Parkinson’s Disease – Inflammatory damage to brain cells
Chronic Skin Conditions
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) – Chronic skin inflammation
Rosacea – Persistent redness and inflammation of the skin
Other Chronic Inflammatory Conditions
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Thought to involve inflammation of the nervous system
Fibromyalgia – Chronic pain with possible inflammatory components
Infertility - inability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy mainly caused by immune system hyperactivity and chronic inflammation
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Mastocytosis
Gingivitis and caries - mouth is a part of the GI system, most problems are due to problems with digestion, nutrition and lack of probiotics
Unknown Cause - many chronic conditions lack correct diagnosis, because if we know the cause - we know how to fix it.
Mold exposure - mold can cause allergy and inflammation because it produces spores and toxins, it also can disintegrate building materials and release harmful VOC's
Infection - related syndromes​​
Chronic Lyme
Chronic EBV/CMV (Mono)
Chronic candidiasis
My name is Nataliya Kushnir, MD. I am Founder and Director of Regenerative Immunology (California location). My passion is integrative medicine - I love solving enigma diagnosis and returning people back to live and health. In addition to being an intuitive diagnostician, I studied more medical knowledge than many.
Over the years of practice I developed my own LUCKY method that allows me to come up with correct diagnosis in nearly 95% of all new patients.
- LISTEN to the patient
- UNCOVER the pointers and missing links
- COME UP with correct diagnosis
- KICK OUT all other suspicions
- YOUR recovery is starting now!
There are situations when I miss something and come up with a wrong diagnosis. That is easily discovered with tracking the progress of the treatment. As I do rely on science, I analyze various approaches we use in clinic. As a result, I have developed multiple strategies of diagnosis and treatment, and empowered many professionals by hands-on teaching in our clinic.
Integrative Medicine is a unique way of practice of an individual practitioner which unites the best knowledge and skills in an approach to health and disease. What is the best explanation of this practice? It requires (in my belief):
An ability to listen and analyze
An understanding the common ways the body functions and a uniqueness of each individual
An ability to see the global nature of the health and disease
An open mind where nothing is complete and still - as circumstances change so does the evaluation and treatment course
Years of clinical experience and deep foundation of medicine
Continuous search for better and newer knowledge, and mastering of skills
A desire to help and passion

Education and Training:
2005-to date Continuous Medical Education Program, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Clinical and Research Modules
2005 Principals of Clinical Research and Statistics, Part I and II, certification. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
2003-2004 ENT and Pulmonary clinical courses, Dermatology cross-training, Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital, Washington DC
2002-2005 Allergy-Immunology Clinical Fellow, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Immunology training at Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital, Washington DC
1999–2002 Medical Resident, University of Nevada School of Medicine Medical Center, Las Vegas
1994–1995 Medical Intern, Voronezh County Children’s Hospital, Russia
1989-1994 Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Major in Tibet energy treatment. IV advanced level
1988-1994 BS and MD degree, 1988 - 1994, Voronezh Medical Academy, Graduated with honors.
Board Certification and Professional Merits:
October 2018 Diplomate (recertification), American Board of Allergy and Immunology
December 2017 Fellow, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
October 2006 Diplomate, American Board of Allergy and Immunology
October 2002 Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics.
Medical Licensing Examinations:
January 2003 USMLE Step 3, ECFMG Certificate – valid indefinitely.
July - August 1997 USMLE Step 1, 2
Chronology of Employment:
2024 – to date Founder and CEO, ImmuneLine Integrative Clinic
2005 – to date Expert medical consultant in inflammatory and rare conditions*
2017 – to date Founder and CEO, MapViser Medical, a platform for direct-to patient marketing on medical products and experts.
2010 - to date Founder and Clinical Director, Allergy and Immunology Clinic of East Bay, Inc., Berkeley, CA
2011-to date Faculty Allergist-Immunologist, CHO-UCSF, Oakland, CA
2010-2012 Clinical Director – design and implementation of multi-site clinical outreach
program for underserved population, Breathmobile of N. California, Oakland, CA
2008- 2010 Clinical Investigator. Pharmacological trials. Allergy and Asthma Clinical Research
Inc., Walnut Creek, CA
2007- 2010 Clinical Allergist-Immunologist. Allergy and Asthma Medical Group of the Bay Area. Berkeley, CA
2005- to date International speaker, invited US speaker. Immunology. Asthma. Novel emerging diseases.
2004–2007 Junior Clinical Investigator, NIH/NIAID. Neuro-Immunology and stem cell biology.
Rare disease and drug discovery. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases. Mast Cell Biology Section. NIH, Bethesda, DC
1998–1999 Research Associate, Stanford University School of Medicine. Dept. of Pediatrics, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford, Research Associate, Endocrinology
and Metabolism, Stanford University School of Medicine.
1991–1995 Research Assistant, Asthma and Allergy, Department of Faculty Pediatrics,
Voronezh Medical Academy, Russia.​
2017- to date Expert witness. Case review, literature search, medical examination and case
Expert in toxic exposure and immune system damage.
2018 – to date Private consulting, MedTech companies
2016 – to date Investment and start-up advisor. Pharmaceutical (Merck) and biotechnology
2005 – to date Environmental exposure Consultant and health advocate. More than 20 personal
injury cases settled
Teaching responsibilities:
2018 – to date Instructor – Family Nurse Practitioner training program, Samuel Merritt University, Oakland
2008 – to date Volunteer faculty. Pediatric Residency Program, Oakland Children’s Hospital, Oakland, CA
2010 – to date Clinical training site Director: Medical Assistant externships, Medical Student electives, Residency rotations
Course leader and instructor:
Laboratory transition course for Clinical Fellows, 2006-2007, NIH
Grant writing, study design, resource management, talent search and management of personnel. Data collection, protocol review and implementation. Statistical analysis and data conversion. Prospective and retrospective analysis of patient cohort. Leading investigator in large clinical studies – collaboration, multi-site management. Knowledge of CRO, regulatory compliance, patient acquisition and site clinical management. Paper writing and successful acceptance. Data organization and presentation at national conferences and symposiums.
Design and implementation in vitro and in vivo research models. Stem cell isolation, purification and growth. Cell culture techniques (human and murine). In vitro studies of cell function (PCR, ELISA, flow cytometry, gene chip analysis, bone marrow cell culture, fluorescent microscopy, knockout mice, release assays, Western blot, cryopreservation, cell growth modification). Personally responsible for all stages of bench research – from study design to implementation of protocols and data analysis. Paper writing and submission, data presentation to scientific meetings as posters and award winning oral abstracts.
Review of the NIH Intramural grant applications.
Honors and Awards:
Best Poster Presentation Award, Junior Member Assembly, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria,
Special Act of Service Award, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH. 2003
Travel Grant Award, AAAAI, 2006
Educational grant, AAAAI/CIS Summer Hypersensitivity School, 2006
Travel Grant Award, AAAAI, 2003
Travel Grant Award, AAAAI, 2004
Aspen Allergy Conference Travel Grant, 2004
Travel Grant Award, AAAAI, 2005
Aspen Allergy Conference Travel Grant, 2005
Academic Scholarship, Voronezh Medical Academy, Russia. 1988 to 1991
State scholarship for EXCELLENCE (top 5% of the class) Voronezh Medical Academy, Russia. 1991 to 1994
Invited speaker:
International Conference on Nutrition and Food Technology” (ICNFT-2022)
International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition, Rome, Italy, 2019
EuroSciCon Immunology Conference. Invited Keynote speaker, Austria, Vienna, 2018
GSK invited speaker, CA 2008 to date
Merck invited speaker, CA 2008 to 2019
MEDA invited speaker, CA 2008 to 2019
CHO-UCSF Noon lecture series and Grand Rounds, Oakland, CA 2010 to date
NIH Immunology retreat, Opening Plenary Session, October 12-15, 2005
NIH/NIAID/LAD, November 5, 2005
EAACI Congress, Vienna, Austria, June 9-16, 2006
AAAAI/CIS Hypersensitivity School, Aspen, Colorado, August 25-29, 2006
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, November 2006
Children's National Medical Center, Washington D.C., Dec 2006
AAAAI Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2007
AAAAI Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2008
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, Baltimore, March 2007
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Ohio, March 2007
John Muir Hospital Grand Rounds, Walnut Creek, CA 2008
Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley, CA 2008
Invited reviewer (peir-reviewed medical journals):
Journal of Neuroimmunology
WebMD Allergy-Immunology section
WAO - World Allergy Organization
I. Original Articles
5-hydroxytryptamine induces mast cell adhesion and migration.
Kushnir-Sukhov NM, Gilfillan AM, Coleman JW, Brown JM, Bruening S, Toth M, Metcalfe DD.J Immunol. 2006 Nov 1;177(9):6422-32. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.177.9.6422.PMID: 17056574
A Novel Link between Early Life Allergen Exposure and Neuroimmune Development in Children.
Kushnir-Sukhov NM.J Clin Exp Immunol. 2020;5(4):188-195. doi: 10.33140/jcei.05.04.06. Epub 2020 Aug 5.PMID: 33179020 Free PMC article.
Human mast cells are capable of serotonin synthesis and release.
Kushnir-Sukhov NM, Brown JM, Wu Y, Kirshenbaum A, Metcalfe DD.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Feb;119(2):498-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.09.003. Epub 2006 Oct 13.PMID: 17291861 No abstract available.
Silica-directed mast cell activation is enhanced by scavenger receptors.
Brown JM, Swindle EJ, Kushnir-Sukhov NM, Holian A, Metcalfe DD.Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2007 Jan;36(1):43-52. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2006-0197OC. Epub 2006 Aug 10.PMID: 16902192 Free PMC article.
Effects of gamma radiation on FcepsilonRI and TLR-mediated mast cell activation.
Soule BP, Brown JM, Kushnir-Sukhov NM, Simone NL, Mitchell JB, Metcalfe DD.J Immunol. 2007 Sep 1;179(5):3276-86. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.179.5.3276.PMID: 17709544
Akin C, Scott LM, Kocabas CN, Kushnir-Sukhov N, Brittain E, Noel P, Metcalfe DD.Blood. 2007 Oct 1;110(7):2331-3. doi: 10.1182/blood-2006-06-028100. Epub 2007 Jul 16.PMID: 17638853 Free PMC article.
Kushnir-Sukhov NM, Brittain E, Reynolds JC, Akin C, Metcalfe DD.Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2006;139(3):265-70. doi: 10.1159/000091172. Epub 2006 Jan 30.PMID: 16449817
Nataliya M Kushnir 1PMID: 21737044 DOI: 10.1016/j.iac.2011.05.008
II Books and invited reviews:
In-Depth Review of Allergic Rhinitis. Sullivan A, Kushnir-Sukhov, N, Oct.2020, WAO Journal online https://www.worldallergy.org/education-and-programs/education/allergic-disease-resource-center/professionals/in-depth-review-of-allergic-rhinitis
Allergic Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment. Sullivan A, Kushnir NM Oct. 2020, https://www.worldallergy.org/education-and-programs/education/allergic-disease-resource-center/professionals/allergic-asthma-symptoms-and-treatment
N.M. Kushnir-Sukhov, D.D. Metcalfe and Jamie Robyn. Mastocytosis, Chapter 90. Allergy and Allergic Diseases, 2nd edition. Textbook.
Kushnir NM. The role of decongestants, cromolyn, guafenesin, saline washes, capsaicin, leukotriene antagonists, and other treatments on rhinitis. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2011 Aug;31(3):601-17.
II. Abstracts
N. M. Sukhova and V. Platonova. 1994. Laser Therapy for Asthma, Republic Conference on Problems of laser therapy. Russia
N.M. Sukhova and Valentina Platonova. 1993. Effects of infrared laser therapy (low intensity) on hemodynamic properties of blood in children with immunodeficiency and chronic respiratory disease. Conference of Young Scientists, Russia
N.M. Kushnir-Sukhov, J. Lazerson, A. Eisen, B.H. Feldman. 2002 The fastest growing city of the United States - Problems and solutions for underserved children of Las Vegas through the clinic on Wheels experience. Pediatr Res 51(4): 1275 Part2 Suppl.
N. M. Kushnir-Sukhov, A. M. Gilfillan, J.W. Coleman, M. Toth, S. Bruening and
D. D. Metcalfe. 2005. Serotonin induces mast cell adhesion and chemotaxis. NIH Immunology Retreat
N.M. Kushnir-Sukhov, C. Akin, J. Reynolds and D.D. Metcalfe 2005. High levels of tryptase are associated with greater bone density in patients with mastocytosis.
J Allergy and Clin Immunol - 115: S260.
N.M. Kushnir-Sukhov, A. M. Gilfillan, J.W. Coleman, M. Toth, S. Bruening and D. D. Metcalfe. 2006. Serotonin Induces Mast Cell Adhesion and Chemotaxis Through the 5-HT1A Receptor. J Allergy and Clin Immunol - 117: S260
N.M. Kushnir-Sukhov, Y. Wu, A. Kirshenbaum and D.D. Metcalfe. Serotonin Synthesis, Storage and Transport in Human Mast Cells. 2006. Clinical Immunology – 119: S53.
N. M. Kushnir-Sukhov, A. M. Gilfillan, J. W. Coleman, M. Toth, S. Bruening and D. D. Metcalfe. The 5-HT1A receptor mediates mast cell chemotaxis to serotonin. 2006. EAACI, Vienna, Austria.
J. M. Brown, Emily J. Swindle, N. M. Kushnir-Sukhov, A. Holian, D. D. Metcalfe. Silica Dependent Mast Cell Activation: Evidence of Involvement in Silicosis, American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, 2007.
J. M. Brown, B. P. Soule, N. M. Kushnir-Sukhov, N. L. Simone, J. B. Mitchell, D. D. Metcalfe. Preservation of Innate and Acquired Immune Function in Mast Cells Following Radiation Exposure. 2007 Keystone symposia: Mast Cells, Basophils, and IgE.
N Kushnir-Sukhov; D.D. Metcalfe. Human Mast Cells Exhibit Dendritic Projections Upon Exposure to Serotonin. 2007 Keystone symposia: Mast Cells, Basophils, and IgE.
Nataliya Kushnir, MD. Novel link between indoor allergen exposure and neuroimmune development in children. 2018 Keynote speaker Immunology Conference, Vienna, Austria
Nataliya Kushnir, MD. Immunologic evidence of Hyperactive Immune Syndrome – phenotype switch confirmed with clinical changes and skin testing for food allergens in affected patients. 2019 Invited Keynote Speaker, Food Science, Rome, Italy
Elected Membership:
WAO, 2004 to date
Clinical Immunology Society, Fellow-in-Training, 2003-2006; Member, 2006 - 2008
ACAAI, Fellow-in-training, 2002-2006; Member, 2002 -2007
AAAAI Member, 2006-2011; Fellow of the Academy 2011-2021
Fellow-in-training, 2002-2006
Fellow, 2012-to date
American Academy of Pediatrics, 1999-2008
European Academy of Allergy and Immunology 2010 to date
Appointed committee member:
Cells and Mediators of Allergic Inflammation Committee, Member
Mast Cells Disorders Task Force, Member
NAIA Committee Member, Career Path task force Co-Chair
Language proficiency: English – fluent; Russian – native; Spanish – medical